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LCIF Ranked Best NGO Worldwide See Below Article | |
MMR - Problems See Below Article | |
Bugles Across See Article Below | |
Lighthouse video = | |
Camp video's = CAMP VIDEO MADE ABOUT 1992 and CAMP VIDEO 2003 |
GACHIP Georgia Child Identificationb Program See Below Article | |
How are Your RATINGS???? Take this simple and fast TEST - it might prove something | |
LCIF Ranked Best NGO Worldwide
In a special report released Thursday, July 5, 2007, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) ranked best among non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide. From 34 global organizations, LCIF came in first for its execution of programs, demonstrated accountability, communications internally and externally, program adaptability to the surrounding community, and understanding the goals of its corporate supporters.
LCIF beat out Rotary International, Habitat for Humanity, UNESCO and UNICEF, to name a few on the list.
The list was released at a meeting of executives of NGOs and the UN in Geneva, Switzerland.
MMR - Problems
Hi, Lion Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer
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How are Your RATINGS????
Thank you for taking the time to evaluate our club. Your answers will help us see our clubs strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan to address problems that need attention.
If you have any questions, please contact: ____________________________________________________.
For each question, please rank our clubs performance using this scale:
4 = Always 3 = Often 2 = Sometimes 1 = Seldom 0 = Never
Please add your comments (both positive and negative) in the spaces indicated.
Please complete and return this survey to: ____________________________________________________.
Due date: ________________________________________________________________________________
____ 1. Does our club president follow an agenda?
____ 2. Do meetings start and end on time?
____ 3. Does the club provide interesting and varied programs?
____ 4. Are guests properly introduced?
____ 5. Are meetings interesting and lively?
____ 6. Is there a friendly atmosphere during club meetings?
____ 7. Are speakers given enough time for their presentations?
____ 8. Is our meeting place adequate?
____ 9. Do club members have the opportunity to participate and communicate?
____ 10. Are the minutes of the previous meeting and the board of directors meeting read and approved?
____ 11. Does the treasurer give monthly reports regarding the clubs financial standing?
Areas where our club excels (please comment): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Areas that need attention (please comment): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Additional comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
____ 1. Does our club set a membership goal for the year?
____ 2. Are members encouraged to recruit new members?
____ 3. Does our club have a recruitment plan in place?
____ 4. Are new members properly inducted?
____ 5. Are new members properly orientated?
____ 6. Are new members immediately assigned to a committee?
____ 7. Are all members encouraged to regularly attend meetings?
____ 8. Are awards and other recognition presented in a meaningful manner?
____ 9. When new members are introduced, are they invited to share information about their hobbies, family
and background?
Areas where our club excels (please comment):____________________________________________________________________________________________
Areas that need attention (please comment): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Additional comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________
____ 1. Does our club schedule community service projects at least every quarter?
____ 2. Does our club schedule fundraising projects at least every quarter?
____ 3. Are you given the opportunity to suggest new community service projects?
____ 4. Are you given the opportunity to suggest new fundraisers?
____ 5. Are our community service projects still relevant and successful?
____ 6. Do a majority of our club members participate in all projects?
____ 7. Do you feel that you are being asked to do too much?
____ 8. Does our club publicize its accomplishments, fundraisers and service projects?
____ 9. Does the club support district projects?
____ 10. Does the club support multiple district projects?
____ 11. Does the club support International Headquarters projects?
____ 12. Are you made aware of the clubs service goals?
____ 13. Are club newsletters published and distributed to all members?
Areas where our club excels (please comment): ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Areas that need attention (please comment): ________________________________________________
Additional comments: ___________________________________________________________________
____ 1. Do you enjoy being a Lion?
____ 2. Are you encouraged to set personal goals?
____ 3. Are you challenged to try new things?
____ 4. Are you given the opportunity to gain leadership skills?
____ 5. Do you enjoy club meetings?
____ 6. Do you enjoy your clubs fundraising activities?
____ 7. Do you enjoy your clubs community service projects?
____ 8. Have you been given responsibility for activities?
____ 9. Have you been given responsibility in your committee?
____ 10. Are you informed about all aspects of your club?
____ 11. Do you feel like an important part of your club?
____ 12. Are you encouraged to participate in international, district and zone functions?
____ 13. Are you encouraged to visit other clubs?
Areas where our club excels (please comment):___________________________________________________
Areas that need attention (please comment): _____________________________________________________
Additional comments: _______________________________________________________________________
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is extremely important to the club. Once the results of this survey are tabulated and evaluated, they will be shared with all club members.
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL 300 W 22ND ST OAK BROOK IL 60523-8842 ME-15B 4/08 Official Publication of Lions Clubs International Printed in U.S.A.